The Golden Onetax

Tax Talks

Tax Talks

Ready for tax season 2020? Received your W-2? Interested in options to increase your refund? If you answered yes, to any of the questions above, then let’s talk taxes!

Every year, millions of Americans rush to have their taxes prepared across the nation. After waiting twelve months, many anticipate receiving a large refund. Unfortunately, for most, the refund’s excitement is short lived. To make 2020 your year of financial vision and freedom, new habits must be formed. And, no, it is NOT easy! However, the rewards are worth the sacrifices you make today!

Changing your financial future takes a few essential tools: the vision, a plan, and discipline.

21 Days: The Wait

21 Days: The Wait

I am forced to believe that not many taxpayers are aware, nor do they care, that IRS may take up to 21 business days to process tax returns. Many impatient taxpayers find themselves asking their tax professionals to provide daily updates regarding the status of their return and refund.

For nearly the past decade, the IRS has changed it’s processing time from 7-14 days to up to 21 days. That is if you decided to file electronically (aka E-file). Those that are ineligible for electronic filing may have to wait up to 28 days before the return is processed.

There are several reasons a taxpayer may become ineligible to electronically file their return, and have to resort to the old fashion method, a paper tax return. A paper tax return is one filed using a printed copy of Form 1040. The tax preparer is not required to calculate amounts manually, as nearly all tax preparation programs allow taxpayers to print a copy. Some examples of tax situations requiring a paper return included, but are not limited to, the following: injured spouse, identity theft, and/or amended return. There are cases when a non-custodial parent will claim a dependent before the custodial parent. In such cases, the parent with the right to claim the dependent will have to file a paper tax return and provide substantial documentation to the IRS proving guardianship.

Taxpayers that find it challenging to wait up to 21 days (which is unbelievable considering we all have waited a year to file again!) can apply for a refund advance with participating tax businesses. Beware of the associated costs and fees, for it can cost up to $200-500 to take an advance on your tax refund.

Cryptocurrency: Liabilities, Risks, and Warnings

Cryptocurrency: Liabilities, Risks, and Warnings

Cryptocurrency is still a fairly new concept, but not to the IRS. In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service has increased its regulating presence in the virtual world in which cryptocurrency exclusively exists.

What is Cryptocurrency?

What is cryptocurrency? If you do not know – OMG, where have you been? If you do – Kudos to you! ;} Seriously, all jokes aside, cryptocurrency is a virtual form of money; digital cash; cyber bucks. Most people are familiar with Bitcoin (as it is overly popular and tremendously expensive – with one share worth over $10,141 as of right NOW!!!! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!) because it has been out for over a decade. [Side story: Back when I first moved to Atlanta, I remember being approached multiple times by young adults advertising for Bitcoin and purchasing into cryptocurrency. I was interested but unable to understand what Bitcoin was or anything related to cryptocurrencies, including things like mining (like wtf?). After a little digging around, I lost interest and went on to the next thing. Fast forward several months later, a relative mentions bitcoin to me. We spoke about it for a few, and I gained interest again, but not too much, as Bitcoin was worth about several hundred bucks at the time. And just in case I have to say this to be clear, ” I DID NOT HAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS TO SPEND ON BITCOIN, PERIOD.”! Time goes on, not too much though, and lo and behold – the prices are in the THOUSANDS!!!! THE THOUSANDS!!! THE FREAKING THOUSANDS!!!!!!! and that is where it has stayed for a few years now. Oh, the MISSED OPPORTUNITY! It is was devastating to find out that not only did I ignored the bitcoin pitch guys, but I also disregarded my relative. But, it is NOT about me!] While Bitcoin is one of the popular ones, there are over 1,600 cryptocurrencies available out in the virtual world.

IRS Definitions

According to the IRS, “virtual currency transactions are taxable like transactions in any other property. Taxpayers transacting in virtual currency may have to report those transactions on their tax returns.”(This is madness) To the average taxpayer that has invested in virtual currency transactions, including the purchase of virtual currency in platforms like Roblox and Second Life, and decide to prepare their own taxes, the IRS statement does not say enough. It does not provide much guidance outside of letting the taxpayer know that there may be reporting of transactions on the tax return. But what does that mean?

It is important for me to explain what a taxable transaction is and what qualifies as one, in regards to virtual currency. A taxable transaction is any transaction that is taxable. Buying shoes is a taxable transaction, as you pay sales tax on the purchase. Selling stock is a taxable transaction that results in a reported gain or loss. Buying alcohol is another taxable transaction, as you pay a liquor and sales tax. For the purposes of virtual currency, a taxable transaction is the same concept. Pretty much if you sold, exchanged, hold, or used virtual currency to purchase goods or services, it is considered a taxable event. Each taxable event can result in a tax. Even if you were gifted virtual currency and have not sold it for a penny, you have to disclose this on your tax return.

What to do next…

If you own cryptocurrency, you should know where you purchased it from. If you don’t there are several tools available online to help you access your wallet. For those that have access to their wallet, the organization you purchased the virtual currency through should provide you with a 1099 statement that shows your transactions for the tax year. If you have not received a 1099 statement from the company, contact the issuing company. For example if you purchased through Robinhood or Ameritrade, a statement should have been sent with a breakdown of all taxable transactions.

To anyone with virtual currency, let me say this, “Report it to the IRS!” (and its fine if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of doing so, or even amending past returns, it is fine, the IRS will eventually get around to mailing you a letter or two about it). But all bulljive aside, you need to know what you are reporting and where to report it

Disclosure and Reporting Requirements

Whether you are a self-preparing taxpayer or you pay someone, like myself, it is important you understand that if you hold, held, or plan on holding any form of cryptocurrency, you are responsible for disclosing and reporting any taxable transaction. But where is that at? (See image below)Well, if you are not careful when preparing your return (for the self-preparers) or if you tax professional is not experienced or aware, the place to disclose this can be completely missed. Taxpayers have to access Schedule 1 of Form 1040 – Additional Income and Adjustments to Income to answer the question pertaining to virtual currency. Answering the question is not the only requirement that has to be fulfilled. If you had any taxable transactions for the year, it has to be reported on Schedule D.

If the process sounds simple, that may be true! If it does not, I am here to help you! Just remember, if you held, hold, plan on holding any form of virtual currency, you are responsible for disclosing this information on your return. If you had taxable transactions for the year, you may have a tax liability. If you have been making money off of virtual currency for years, you will have to amend your taxes to include those transactions for each year you held the assets. If you feel like you are not going to do a damn thing, then that is fine too – “Do what ya do!” – however, beware that the IRS is beginning to crack down on the unregulated world of virtual currency! And I do not mean to sound like some kinda public announcement, however, in 2019, the IRS sent out over 10,000 letters to taxpayers warning – excuse me, informing, that if they have interest in virtual currency it needs to reported and past returns amended. It is estimated the number will increase exponentially for 2020.

Bottom line – if you have just a fraction of a cryptocurrency and you do not ever plan on selling or anything, you still have to check the box on Schedule 1 of Form 1040. If you do not own any virtual currency, you still have to answer “NO” on Schedule 1.

Here are some additional resources from the IRS:

Economic Impact Payments (Stimulus)

Economic Impact Payments (Stimulus)

Where in the world do I begin? Or should I just end this by saying, “The deadline to claim your Economic Impact Payment is approaching.”

Short and simple, that is the truth. However, that is not all!

Filers and non-filers have until 3PM Eastern Standard Time on November 21, 2020 to request payment.

If you are one of those taxpayers (once like myself) that has delayed filing, maybe now is a good time to consider filing. Contrary to popular belief, tax season does not end on April 15. Taxpayers that file Form 4868 have an additional six months to submit their federal tax return. Receiving an extension does not stop or reduce interest, but it does stop penalties related to not filing a timely return. As of today, tax returns are still being sent to the IRS which allows filers a small window to request Economic Impact Payments (EIP).

For all you Non-Filers, the deadline is the same. If you have not requested your EIP, please do so before November 21, 2020. This includes individuals that receive Social Security, Railroad retirement, VA and Disability benefits, your spouse and dependents. Even if you are a receipt of any of these benefits and have received your Economic payment, you can request amounts for your spouse and dependent(s).

The IRS has provided several tools to assist you with gaining more information regarding your payment. It would be wise to check to see if you are eligible for the payment before utilizing the Get My Payment or the Non-Filer tools.

The Get My Payment tool allows taxpayers, aka filers, to check the status of funding status of the stimulus payment. When using the Get My Payment tool, make sure you have the following information handy:

  • Legal Name (I hope you know this, but if not…it’s the one you used when you filed)

  • Social Security Number (Make sure it is yours. The exception is for your spouse and dependent(s))

  • Address (The one you used when you filed your return.)

  • Birthdate (The Real One!)

  • Bank account info (Depending on what the tool retrieves, you may be prompted to enter your bank account information: routing and checking/savings number(s). )

  • Adjusted Gross Income (Depending on what the tool retrieves, once again, you may be prompt to enter your AGI. Make sure you have it nearby.)

  • Refund/Tax Due (Depending on…blah blah blah…Have it handy!)

The Non-Filer Tool is designed for individuals that do NOT have to file (How convenient for you’s guys!) each year. Despite the joking around, these individuals are usually retired, disabled or veterans receiving benefits that are vital to their livelihood. From my personal experience, it is this group of citizens that are being impacted the most by COVID-19, yet they lack access to the necessary resources. ***Side story*** I’m from a decently small town and now I live in the city. I often go back home to visit my family and friends. Well, when COVID-19 struck, I did not know what to do! My mom, after much convincing, got me to go back to my hometown. She felt that it was safer than being in the city and sorta felt the same. Before I go off on side, side story…I was hesitant because I wanted to remain in the city to work on my business. Hindsight, I am glad I listened to my MOM. Why? I was able to witness how many individuals, specifically the elderly and disabled, that did not receive nor know how to request their stimulus payment. Many were told that it would come automatically. And for millions, it did. But for others, it did not. The most concerning part was that these people did not use the internet or know how to utilize the IRS tools. Not to mention, the freaking IRS was closed. And just when you think you have heard it all, some folks were victims of identity theft. So imagine, if you can, as someone that uses the internet and thrives on technology and good health – not being mobile or able to connect a live person – in a world that is moving rapidly towards being on a cloud. These people don’t know jack crap about clouds or the internet. All they know is this – THEY WANT THEIR MONEY!!!! Thankfully, I was there to assist. ***

The Non-Filer tool is also for individuals that are imprisoned or incarcerated . The tricky part to this is, (read the case summary below) they only had until November 4, 2020 to submit a simplified paper tax return requesting payment. Those wishing to use this method no longer have it available, nor does it appear that the option was made available for a decent period. Nevertheless, those that did not meet the November 4 deadline to paper file can utilize the Non-Filer tool. The deadline for incarcerated persons to request payment is November 21, 2020.

If you are or have been a victim of Identify Theft, make sure you have your IP PIN close by when using the Non-Filer tool. If you get stuck, give me a call and I will be glad to assist! If you need to report Identity Theft to the IRS, see the link below. Also contact all three credit bureaus to alert them of possible identity theft. Granted, tax identity theft is slightly different from having your credit identity stolen, but its all about the same…THEFT!

If you are a caregiver or custodian of someone that has not received their economic payment, utilize the tools below to determine eligibility and/or payment status.

If you or someone you know needs assistance requesting their economic impact payment, contact the Golden One today! In most cases, I am able to provide this service for FREE! Yes, FREE! That means I do not get paid unless you want to tip me. Contact me today for a consultation. You find that the process is quick and easy!

The holidays are approaching and an extra $1,200 in pocket would be nice!


Non-filer Tool:

Get My Payment: (Hint: Stroll down the page)

According to the IRS as of October 26, 2020 in order to be Eligible for the Economic Payment a taxpayer must be:

  • A U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, you will receive an Economic Impact Payment of $1,200  ($2,400  for a joint return) if you (and your spouse if filing a joint return)  are not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a Social Security number valid for employment and your adjusted gross income (AGI) does not exceed:

  • $150,000 if married and filing a joint return

  • $112,500 if filing as head of household or

  • $75,000 for eligible individuals using any other filing status Your payment will be reduced by 5% of the amount by which your AGI exceeds the applicable threshold above.

You are Not Eligible for a payment if any of the following apply to you:

  • You may be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s return (for example, a child or student who may be claimed on a parent’s return or a dependent parent who may be claimed on an adult child’s return).

  • You do not have a Social Security number that is valid for employment.

  • You are a nonresident alien. The following are also not eligible: a deceased individual or an estate or trust.

Incarcerated Persons and EIP

Pursuant to a permanent injunction entered in Scholl v. Mnuchin, No. 20-cv-05309 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 14, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20-17077 (9th Cir.), the IRS cannot deny a payment to someone who is incarcerated if they meet the criteria established.  Information can be provided to the IRS by using the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info here online tool by November 21, 2020.  Or, you may mail a 2019 simplified paper tax return following the procedures at File a Simplified Paper Tax Return by the court-ordered deadline of November 4, 2020.

If you are currently incarcerated, you may use your institution address as your home address on Form 1040, even if it is a P.O. Box. If you use your institution address, include your corrections or inmate identifying number in the section at the top to ensure the IRS can deliver the Payment to you. It is best to add it near your last name. If you already used the Non-Filers tool or filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 (including a joint tax return with your spouse), you DO NOT need to take any further action.
